Spectat engineering for show business
Dance floor collaboration Spectat

SPECTAT collaborates with the ballet of the Avignon Opera and the FFT

SPECTAT has developed a variation of its Saltis cushioned flooring range using recycled tennis balls supplied by the French Tennis Federation.


Recently, the dancers of the Ballet de l'Opéra Grand Avignon went to the workshop located in Courthézon to test the prototypes of these new floor tiles and then participated in a photo session.

The newspaper La Provence was present during this day:  

"Thanks to an innovative concept, SPECTAT has become a reference in the entertainment world. Its shock-absorbing floors ensure real comfort for conquered artists."

SPECTAT is the only French company specialized in sprung floors. These floors have the particularity of combining a perfect compromise between flexibility and cushioning in order to offer dancers incomparable comfort. One of SPECTAT's patented flooring lines uses half tennis balls to achieve the best characteristics. After installing more than 40,000m2 of flooring, the company has embarked on a new challenge, which is to use recycled tennis balls thanks to a partnership with the French Tennis Federation. The latter will supply SPECTAT with as many tennis balls as possible.



To read the article: https://www.laprovence.com/article/edition-vaucluse/6856400/spectat-met-la-petite-balle-jaune-au-service-des-danseurs.html


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(Photo credit: Thomas Obrien)

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