Dance Bars

Innovate with our range of dance barres. After revolutionizing and continually improving fixed and demountable sprung floorsSpectat has applied the same R&D resources to bring ergonomics, aesthetics and quality to the development of an innovative range of fixed and mobile dance barres.

Our range of dance barres :

Dance barres

Our dance barres are made up of two shells assembled with a false tongue. Built in our workshops from first-grade beech, this glued-laminated construction guarantees dimensional stability of the bars, which will not warp over time.

dance bars spectat

Fixed brackets

florence® single wall dance bar
florence® single wall dance bar
Jessy® Model Swivel Wall Dance Bar
Jessy® Model Swivel Wall Dance Bar
SALTIS professional sprung floors
Conservatoire d'Avignon. Floor, mat and barres Spectat
Jessy dance bar on swivel stand® model
dance bar model Jessy on stand® intermediate position

The movable bars